
To be able to complete your unsubscription, we need to receive the following data.

* Your order number is on your bank statement. Without a valid number, we cannot complete your unsubscription.

Haven’t found a rental house or flat within six months? Then you get your money back!
We expect that you will find a new rental house or flat in our housing offers soon, and we are convinced that you will succeed within six months. In the unlikely case of not finding a rental home within those six months that meets your expectations, you will get a refund.

The terms and conditions for our “money back guarantee” are:

  • You have been registered at Woningpoint for six months
  • You have responded to housing offers at least twice a week
  • Your profile is completed
De persoonsgegevens gebruiken wij alleen voor het gevraagde contact. Lees de privacyverklaring voor meer informatie.
4 + 5 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.